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Safety and Security



Congregation Albert prioritizes the safety and security of our members, congregants, guests, students, and children.

With the oversight of APD, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Department of Homeland Security, we are further improving our security infrastructure and emergency preparedness. 

Some financial investments are required to strengthen our security and safety. You can help by:


To volunteer to help with Services & Events Security, click on the heart:    Text Box

To volunteer to help with Eitzim Security, click on the tree: Text Box

The information below will be updated as security items are identified as necessary, and as estimates are completed for larger, more intensive security measures. When possible, estimates and other resources will be made available to verify the prices listed below; Congregation Albert will not make a profit off of these donations.
These sleeves fit over the mechanism at the top of doors and will supplement our existing indoor security measures. They will be purchased through , and each cost $89.99 plus tax and shipping.
This gauze can be used for more serious injuries, not just injuries that are the result of a security incident. Amazon does not carry this item, which is recommended by emergency health professionals. The item can be found at
where it is sold for $53.24. Thank you for your consideration!
APD recommends that we have three extra sets of keys available. We use the keys pictured here for some important doors, and as you can see, they are an investment. We are seeking funding for 15 keys at $14 each, which is the price noted for an order of over 10 keys at


Mon, October 14 2024 12 Tishrei 5785