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Welcome to Congregation Albert

Your center for Jewish life in Albuquerque


		                            <span class="slider_description">Join us for weekly Erev Shabbat and Shabbat morning services!</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Our in-person services, led by Rabbi Surget, are livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook, so our kehillah extends beyond our physical walls.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Welcome to Congregation Albert in sunny Albuquerque, New Mexico!</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">The bimah features our innovative TORAH CAM! Current technology blends beautifully with millenia of tradition.</span>


Our online calendar has been moved to the "My Account" tab. To view that calendar, please log in to your ShulCloud account.

Please call the office if you have any questions about service or event times, and you are not currently a member of Congregation Albert. 



Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784